Department of Animal Products Technology

The Department of Livestock Products Technology is an academic implementing element that carries out education and teaching, research and community service in developing science and technology for livestock products and their by-products. The Department of Animal Products Technology is equipped with three laboratories. The following are laboratories and lecturer personnel in each laboratory in the Department of Animal Products Technology.

1. Milk and Egg Technology Laboratory

This laboratory is responsible for developing the field of milk and egg science and technology, and is led by Endang Wahyuni, S.Pt., M. Biotech. The lecturers of the Milk and Egg Technology Laboratory are:


Lecturer Name


1 Endang Wahyuni, S.Pt., M. Biotech. 19761017 200312 2 002
2 Prof. Dr. Ir. Nurliyani, M.S., IPM. 19600817 198603 2 003
3 Prof. Widodo, S.P., M.Sc., Ph.D. 19700918 199512 1 001
4 Ir. Ari Surya Sukarno, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPP. 19910122 202012 1 012
5 Ir. Satyaguna Rakhmatullah, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPP 111199211201901101

2. Leather, Waste, and By-Products Technology Laboratory

This laboratory is responsible for developing the field of science and technology by-products and the environment which aims to provide a basic scientific foundation on the technology of by-products and waste from a livestock industry as an applicable outcome into a valuable product. The courses taught are aimed at providing a deepening of interest in knowledge about technology for handling livestock by-products and waste that are safe for the environment and led by Dr. Mohammad Zainal Abidin. S.Pt., M. Biotech. Lecturer personnel at the Leather Technology Laboratory, by-products and Animal Waste are:


Lecturer Name


1 Dr. Mohammad Zainal Abidin. S.Pt., M. Biotech. 19850829 201504 1 001
2 Prof. Ir. Ambar Pertiwiningrum, M.Si., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng. 19660209 199003 2 001
3 Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM. 19710607 199702 1 001
4 Prof. Ir. Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM. 19790809 200212 1 003
5 Novita Kurniawati, S.Pt., M.App.Sc. 19801128 200501 2 002
6 Ir. Viagian Pastawan, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPP 111199110202101101

3. Meat Science and Technology Laboratory

This laboratory is responsible for developing the field of meat science and technology, and is led by Dr. Ir. Rio Olympias Sujarwanta, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM. Lecturer personnel at the Meat Science and Technology Laboratory are:


Lecturer Name


1 Dr. Ir. Rio Olympias Sujarwanta, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPM. 111198809201611101
2 Ir. Rusman, M.P., Ph.D. 196711201998031001
3 Ir. Edi Suryanto, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng. 196007071986031003
4 Dr. Ir. Endy Triyannanto, M.Eng., IPM., ASEAN Eng. 198412072018031001