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The Moslem Family Faculty of Animal Science (KMFPT) is a student organization or semi-autonomous board under the coordination of the Student Executive Board (BEM) in the Faculty of Animal Science. KMFPT as an Islamic Spiritual Sie functions as a faculty da’wah institution (LDF) where it synergizes with other faculties in the forum of the campus da’wah institution Jama’ah Shalahuddin. KMFPT is an institution that is engaged in the field of Islamic da’wah and appeared in the era of the 90s at the Faculty of Animal Science. This organization moves with Islam as its principle.


Brought about the academic community of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM in particular and the community in general to have Islamic and scientific integrity based on the Qur’an and Sunnah


  • Fostering and improving the quality of human resources based on the Qur’an and Sunnah
  • Optimizing the role of KMFPT UGM as a Faculty Da’wah Institution
  • Synergize with BO and BSO of the Faculty of Animal Science in optimizing the da’wah practice of the faculty
  • Apply Islamic values in the academic community of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM and the community

The aim of the KMFPT is to prepare cadres of the Rabbani generation as ideal Moslem identity through strengthening the ukhuwah and understanding of the Islamic Community to be able to face the challenges of the times.