Yogyakarta – Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) discovered the method of alfalfa seeding to encourage the realization of Alfalfa Tropic (Alfalfa) seeding in Indonesia. It is because the nutritional content of alfalfa plants is considered very useful in improving the quality of livestock of the community. Even alfalfa has the potential to be a functional food because of its high protein content and also essential amino acids.
This was revealed by Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Collaboration of FAS UGM, Bambang Suwignyo PhD when delivering his research results on the development of dolomite and lighting influences on the generative characteristics of alfalfa plant performance in Indonesia, at the Greenhouse Laboratory of FAS UGM, Yogyakarta, Wednesday ( 3/21/2018).
“With the development of intensive research at this time, we hope the government will immediately support the birth of alfalfa tropic hatcheries or alfalfa tropical seed centers, while at the same time reducing dependence on imports of alfalfa seeds,” he said.
Bambang in his release explained that his research on alfalfa was aimed at producing alfalfa seeds. And it becomes a differentiator and the superiority of the research is compared to other similar studies.
“Because, according to the literature found, other Indonesian researchers studied more at the plantative / vegetative stage of alfalfa. While this research, is developing its seeds as expected,” Bambang said.
During this time, he continued, alfalfa seeds in Indonesia were almost 100% imported. In fact, Indonesia can develop it independently in the country.
He said, alfalfa is a high-quality animal feed plant, even now it is also functional food. But efforts to develop alfalfa in the tropics such as Indonesia have been hit by the problem of supplying seeds.
“The results of previous studies noted that the development of alfalfa in Indonesia was hampered by the availability of seeds. Alfalfa grows but does not flower, or flowers do not become seeds. Even if it becomes a seed, it doesn’t grow again if it’s planted. That is because, the fulfillment of alfalfa seeds in Indonesia is almost always from imports,” Bambang said again.
Furthermore, Bambang revealed that the results of his research noted that the production of fresh alfalfa reached 6-8 tons per hectare (ha). In addition, alfalfa also contains 22-29% protein, and is capable of producing vertile seeds that can grow if planted with a viability test of up to 67%.
“So the success rate is quite high, after more intense research,” Bambang explained.
Benefits of Alfalfa
Alfalfa or Medicago sativa is a legume or a type of herbaceous plant that has several characteristics, namely rooted mounts, erect stem erect from the base of the wood and the height ranges from 30-200 cm, and leaves arranged in three. Furry leaves and size 5-30 mm. The depth of alfalfa root can reach 2-4 meters (hold dry land).
When starting the development of the stem, axillary buds at the bottom of the armpit will form a stem so that the crown at the base becomes the base and axillary shoots above the ground form a branching. Inflorescence is arranged in solid bunches with small yellow flowers. This plant can live up to 30 years, depending on environmental conditions. Alfalfa also has root nodules which contain Rhizobium bacteria which sooths that it can tether or bind nitrogen from the atmosphere for plant needs (helping soil fertility).
Alfalfa is rich in various nutrients. The chlorophyll content is very high, so the plants that are widely used in this leaf are believed to cure various diseases, ranging from flatulence to cancer. In addition, alfalfa is known as a forage with the most complete nutritional content (around 60 species) with the highest content level among all forage legumes. Alfalfa has now become the largest forage feed of global production compared to other forage feeds.
“So far feed is one of the main problems in developing livestock in Indonesia. Therefore, we sincerely hope that Indonesia will soon develop alfalfa seeding to improve the quality of livestock in the country, “Bambang said closing his statement.
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