

DryFarm Community Service Team from UGM Develops 3E Precision Agriculture Transformation Based on Agroedutainment and Smart Innovation in Ngawis 2, Gunungkidul

Gunungkidul is a region supplying food needs such as rice, legumes, corn, and chili in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Currently, food needs are very crucial. This is because the domestic food supply has not yet met consumer demand. Moreover, according to the National Food Agency’s Food Balance Report, all of Indonesia’s strategic food needs cannot be fulfilled with domestic production, resulting in the necessity to import several primary food items.

Based on observations with the chairman of Karang Taruna Harapan Jaya in Ngawis 2, several agricultural problems were identified, including pests, declining land productivity, drought, simple fertilization methods, and outdated agricultural systems. Addressing these issues is essential since Ngawis 2 has natural and human resources with potential for further development. read more

Faculty of Animal Science UGM Sets MURI Record for Largest Milk Distribution and Consumption Event with 11,150 Students

Faculty of Animal Science UGM has broken the MURI record for the largest milk distribution and consumption event, involving 11,150 students participated in the record. The record-breaking event included 7,162 UGM KKN students and 3,988 students from various faculties at UGM.

Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, stated that the record-breaking event was held to commemorate World Milk Day as part of the XI Lustrum of Faculty of Animal Science and the XV Lustrum of Universitas Gadjah Mada. read more

Perseverance Leads Ahmad to Test-Free Admission at Faculty of Animal Science UGM

Riyanta (49 years old) could not hold back his tears. He was overwhelmed with emotion as he recounted how his only child, Ahmad Yuli Setiawan (commonly called Awan), was accepted into the Faculty of Animal Science UGM in Academic Year 2024/2025 through the SNBP pathway. He still couldn’t believe his son was accepted at UGM without a test and without any tuition fees, thanks to a 100% Single Tuition Fee (UKT) subsidy, exempting him from education costs until graduation.

“I still can’t fully believe it,” Riyanta said, struggling to speak. read more

Faculty of Animal Science UGM and Bank Indonesia Promote Halal Industry Development

Faculty of Animal Science UGM, in collaboration with Bank Indonesia (BI) of Yogyakarta Province, continues to promote the development of halal industry in Yogyakarta. One of their initiatives is a collaborative training program for Halal Slaughter Experts (Juleha), held on June 26-27, 2024, at Faculty of Animal Science UGM.

The Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation at Fapet UGM, Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., MP., Ph.D., IPM., stated that this training is the second batch.

“There are around 13 participants from 5 to 6 business units, including slaughter house for cattle and  chicken (RPA and RPH). The first batch had a similar number of participants,” Yuny explained during his opening remarks. read more

Faculty of Animal Science UGM Distributes Sacrificial Cow to Partner Village

Faculty of Animal Science UGM has distributed a sacrificial cow to a partner village in Ngroto, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo. This distribution has been carried out for the past three years.

“The distribution to the partner village has been conducted for the last three years. We managed to obtain 152 kg of meat from the cow slaughtered there yesterday,” said Tian Jihadhan Wankar, Ir. S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPP, Chairperson of Iduladha 1445 H at Faculty of Animal Science UGM.

He added that for this year’s Iduladha, Faculty of Animal Science UGM slaughtered four cows and five goats. The sacrificial meat will be distributed to external parties in need. This activity aligns with the SDGs goal 2, zero hunger; goal 3, good health and well-being; and goal 17, partnerships for the goals. “The meat will be distributed to communities in need,” he added. read more