A total of 65 new postgraduate students of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM for the even semester of the academic year 2022/2023 were welcomed by the Dean and the leadership team of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM during the New Postgraduate Student Introduction event at the drh. R Soepardjo Auditorium (13/2). This event also served as a socialization of the faculty’s research profiles and agendas, allowing new students to choose research areas that match their interests.
The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Ir. R. Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng., in his report on the admission of new students, conveyed several details about the number of students, funding sources, and the curriculum taken.