
SDGS Goal 9: industry innovation infrastructure

UGM Students Discover Potential of Green Betel Leaves to Enhance Broiler Chicken Productivity

In broiler chicken production, the health of the small intestine is crucial for optimal growth. Pathogenic microbes in the small intestine can infect the digestive tract, causing inflammation and nutrient absorption issues, leading to suboptimal growth.

In recent decades, antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) have been used by farmers to enhance broiler chicken growth performance, administered through feed or drinking water. However, in 2018, the Indonesian government officially banned the use of AGP as additives in livestock due to concerns about AGP residues in chicken meat, which could increase bacterial resistance and cause allergic reactions in humans. read more

UGM Students Innovate Bricks from Cattle Manure

A unique innovation from UGM students has created bricks made from cattle manure, especially cow manure. This innovation, named “Batako Bawono,” is the result of a collaboration between Nauziyah Azuardini and Yossi Dyah Listiana (Animal Science and Industry, 2022), Dinda Ramadhan and Zaenal Arif (Veterinary Technology, 2022), and Muhammad Rakan Arrandhi (Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Engineering, 2023), under the supervision of Ir. Annisa’ Qurrotun A’yun, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPP from  Faculty of Animal Science UGM. The “Batako Bawono” program is funded through the Student Creativity Program in the Community Service category. read more

Faculty of Animal Science UGM Conducts Work Competency Certification for Students

As an effort to improve students’ competencies in the field of poultry farming, the Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada University (UGM) organized Work Competency Certification (PSKK) 2024 with the Broiler Farm Supervisor scheme from July 4-6, 2024. This certification was attended by 20 students from undergraduate, engineer, and postgraduate (master’s and doctoral) levels.

This certification was held in collaboration with the Indonesian Animal Science Professional Certification Institute (LSP PI) and the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, which is one of the Competency Test Places (TUK). The main objective of this certification is to enhance work competencies and obtain a certificate from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), where students undergo a series of exams to be declared competent and receive certification as broiler farm supervisors. The series of exams include a written test on broiler farm materials and their handling, a practical test on broiler farm management, and an interview. read more

Admission of New Engineering Students at the Faculty of Animal Science UGM for the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2022/2023

A total of 69 new students of the Animal Science Professional Engineering Program for the Odd Semester of the Academic Year 2022/2023 participated in the new student admission event held in a hybrid manner at the ASLC Building, Faculty of Animal Science, UGM (25/2). The new engineering students consist of 57 students from the RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) scheme and 12 students from the regular scheme.

Dean Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng., emphasized the importance of professional engineers in the biological sector, especially in animal science, in his speech. “Animal science engineers are part of the human resources managing biological resources. Engineers today are not only involved in the management of physical resources such as infrastructure development but also in the management of biological resources,” said Prof. Budi Guntoro. read more

Discussing the Welfare of Layer Poultry, Faculty of Animal Science UGM Held Training of Trainers for Cage-free and Welfare Hub

Along with the increasing consumption of eggs due to population growth, causing breeders to find ways to maximize livestock productivity. One of the laying hen farming techniques commonly used so far is the battery-cage farming system where the livestock can move freely in the cage. In addition to this system, there is now a new system that allows poultry to move more freely, namely the cage-free farming system. Cage-free farming system does not use cages, thus allowing livestock to live like in the wild according to their natural habitat. In developed countries, poultry farmers have started to switch to using the cage-free system because it is considered to be pro-animal welfare. read more