Inauguration of Animal Science Engineers in the Academic Year 2022/2023

A total of 70 Animal Husbandry Engineers were inaugurated by the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Animal Science at the Inauguration ceremony (Odd Semester 2022/2023) which was held offline at Ghra Sabha Pramana, together with 422 engineers from the UGM Faculty of Engineering who were inaugurated by the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UGM, as well as 53 engineers from the Faculty of Forestry UGM who were inaugurated by the Dean of the UGM Faculty of Forestry (10/1).

In this inauguration ceremony, 70 engineers were inaugurated from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry UGM, consisting of 4 engineers from the regular track and 66 engineers from the RPL track. The highest GPA for the RPL was achieved by Akhmad Sodiq with a GPA of 3.98. Meanwhile, the highest GPA from the regular track was achieved by Muhammad Zainal Abidin and Yogi Sidik Prasojo, who achieved a GPA of 3.98. Thus, the total number of Animal Science Engineer graduates from Faculty of Animal Science UGM is 520 alumni. read more