Faculty of Animal Science UGM Conducts Work Competency Certification for Students

As an effort to improve students’ competencies in the field of poultry farming, the Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada University (UGM) organized Work Competency Certification (PSKK) 2024 with the Broiler Farm Supervisor scheme from July 4-6, 2024. This certification was attended by 20 students from undergraduate, engineer, and postgraduate (master’s and doctoral) levels.

This certification was held in collaboration with the Indonesian Animal Science Professional Certification Institute (LSP PI) and the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, which is one of the Competency Test Places (TUK). The main objective of this certification is to enhance work competencies and obtain a certificate from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP), where students undergo a series of exams to be declared competent and receive certification as broiler farm supervisors. The series of exams include a written test on broiler farm materials and their handling, a practical test on broiler farm management, and an interview. read more