Centre for Livestock Development Studies Organises Small Scale Commercial Cattle Business Management Training 2024

Centre for Livestock Development Studies (PKPP) Faculty of Animal Science UGM organised the 2024 Small Scale Commercial Cattle Business Management Training programme. The training was held in Yogyakarta from 21 – 23 April 2024. The target participants in this training are farmers throughout Indonesia who have or are still planning commercially oriented cattle farms.

The registration process started from 25 March – 5 April 2024. The total number of applicants for this training came from 10 provinces in Indonesia. The overall series of selection activities included registration, administrative selection, and then the announcement of training participants. A total of 13 people were selected as participants with a composition of 11 men and 2 women. All participants attended a series of trainings delivered by academics and practitioners who are competent in their fields.

The series of training included material sessions and visit sessions. The materials in this training included cattle farming business models in Indonesia; business planning, product marketing and business economic analysis; gender equality and paradigm shift in livestock business; livestock health management; animal feed management, breeding and fattening management; and commercial business delivered by livestock business actors. Then the visit was conducted at Kandang Barokah 354, Yogyakarta. At the end of the activity there was a discussion and practice of making a business plan and feasibility study to plan a commercially orientated farm.

Ir. Panjono, S.Pt., MP, Ph.D., IPM, ASEAN Eng as Course Leader hopes that this activity will be useful for all participants. ‘Hopefully it will be useful for all participants to improve the livestock business that has been run. Hopefully, after this training, breeders will further develop their business to help animal husbandry in Indonesia advance and be able to compete,’ he said on Friday (24/5).

Meanwhile, Vice Dean for Research, Community Service and Cooperation at Faculty of Animal Science, Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM, added that the training was partially funded by the participants and Indonesia Australia Red Meat and Cattle Partnership.

‘Hopefully, the output of the training is that the cattle farming business will grow and can increase the network between participants and alumni of the previous training,’ said Yuny.

This training is planned to be held in the next periods and is expected to be the right tool to contribute in advancing small-scale farmers in Indonesia. It is hoped that this training can make farmers throughout Indonesia develop in running their livestock businesses. (Secretariat/Prisil)

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