UGM has once again shown its academic quality in global standard as seen in the accreditation given to 5 undergraduate study programmes by international accrediting agency, ASIIN. Previously, 11 study programmes have been accredited. The five study programmes are Mathematics, Statistics, Computer science, Biology and Animal Sciences.
ASIIN (Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) is an international accreditation agency from Germany for engineering, mathematics and science, agriculture, and biology disciplines. Its accreditation is Outcome Based Accreditation.
UGM Head of Quality Assurance, Prof. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, M.B.A., said preparations for ASIIN accreditation had started since 2015 by implementing outcome based education (OBE), hence many changes had been made especially in curriculum design and assessment of learning process.
“With this result, increased quality is expected in terms of education, international suitability and recognition, accountability to society, enhancing implementation of OBE and target achievement of UGM to realise its vision as world class university,” said Indra on Thursday (19/4).
Meanwhile, the ASIIN accreditation for Mathematics, Computer science and Statistics has shown that the quality of education at UGM Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences have met international standards. Vice-Dean for Academics and Student Affairs, Dr. rer.nat. Nurul Hidayat Aprilita, M.Si., said in 2013, Chemistry study programme was internationally accredited by RSC and would get re-accredited this year.
“Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will continue to improve its education and teaching process to retain its international accreditation as well as to increase international cooperation, for example dual/double program, student exchange, and research exchange. Meanwhile, our Electronics and Instrumentation undergraduate study programme and Computer science graduate study programme are also preparing for ASIIN accreditation,” said Nurul.
Dean of Faculty of Biology, Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc., said this result was not just the keyof perfomance indicator but also the foundation and motivation for the Faculty to become center of excellence, especially for Tropical biology in the world.
Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., saw the accreditation was an international recognition of the breakthrough made at the Faculty. The breakthrough was expected to make the Faculty as center of excellence for tropical cattle. “To reach our goals we need science, technology, managerial skills, and leadership, which we also deliver to our students,” he said.