Course Code | : | PTU 1003 |
Degree | : | MKB |
Course Title | : | Statistics
This course learns about abbreviating and data presenting, symbols and notations in statistics, size of the central and dispersion tendency, probability distribution and sampling distribution, research hypothesis, statistics hypothesis and statistical inference, hypothesis testing in a population concerning average variance, test the proportion of binomial, multinominal and independence test, simple correlation and regression. References: Samsubar Saleh. 1996. Statistik Induksi. UPP AMP YKPN. Yogyakarta. Maria Astuti. 1980. Statistik. Fakultas Peternakan UGM. Ronny Kountur. 2005. Statistik Praktis. Penerbit PPM. Jakarta. Singgih Santoso. 2000. SPSS, Statistical Product and Service Solusions. Penerbit Elex Media Komputindo. Jakarta. |