Answering the Challenge of the Food Crisis, Faculty of Animal Science UGM Encourages Engineers’ Contributions

Global food crisis, especially due to climate change, also threatens food security in Indonesia. The role of engineers, particularly in the biological field, is crucial in addressing this issue, especially in transforming food systems.

This was emphasized by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) UGM, Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng., during the Inauguration Ceremony for Engineers of the UGM Professional Engineer Program Period I of 2024 at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM, Tuesday (16/7).

“Engineers, whether in biological or non-biological fields, must be able to compete globally while responding to the challenges of the times. Therefore, we need outstanding and mature engineers to build food independence in our country,” Budi stressed.

Budi added that engineers play an essential role in finding solutions to the global food crisis. The global food crisis, he said, has been worsening post-Covid-19. “Around 70 percent of people live in hardship and reside in food-insecure areas due to war or climate change,” he added.

Unfortunately, the number of graduates from the Professional Engineer Program (PSPPI) across various universities is still insufficient to meet the ideal target. The need for 1 million engineers by the completion of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) in 2025 is a priority task that needs addressing.

“In accordance with the mandate of Law No. 11/2014 on Engineering, the number must be increased to face global and domestic competition,” said the Dean.

Meanwhile, at the Graduation Ceremony for New Engineers for the 1st Period of 2024, Even Semester of the 2023/2024 Academic Year at the Faculty of Animal Science, Head of the Professional Engineer Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sigit Bintara, M.Si., IPU., ASEAN Eng., stated that up to now, there are 680 alumni of the Professional Engineer Program from Fapet UGM. For this inauguration, in the RPL program, the highest GPA of 3.94 was achieved by Adrizal, and for the regular program, the highest GPA of 3.96 was achieved by Muchamad Aldi Rohmawan.

“There are many benefits to enrolling in the Professional Engineer Program at Fapet UGM. Besides obtaining certificates and diplomas, graduates also automatically become members of PII and Kagama,” said Sigit.

Today, Fapet UGM graduated 37 new engineers out of a total of 699 who were inaugurated. Of the 699 engineers inaugurated, 592 were from the Faculty of Engineering and 70 from the Faculty of Forestry.

Writer: Satria
Translator: Prisilia Putri
Photo: Margiy