To increase animal welfare during slaughter and security of officers, a team of lecturer from Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) chaired by Ir. Panjono, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN. Eng, developed a prototype of portable restraining box, which was named Gama Abilawa. The tool, which is made of iron / steel pipe, is in the form of a rectangular clamp cage equipped with wheels so that it can be moved around easily.
So far, the restraining box has only been used in the slaughterhouse. Not many providers of sacrificial animal slaughter have restraining boxes because they do not slaughter throughout the year so that their use is inefficient. Without restraining box, cow thresher is often done without the correct method and even tends to be rough, causing the cow to behave out of control. Raging cows will be difficult to control and can injure both officers and people around the slaughter area.
Panjono said on Friday (28/8), the portable restraining box is expected to be an innovative and productive breakthrough to help parties who do not carry out slaughter throughout the year, for example the sacrificial committee. This tool can reduce the inhuman treatment of cows before they are slaughtered. The cow to be slaughtered is calmly herded into the box without causing stress. When the cow has entered the box, the door is closed then the box is turned manually so that the position of the cow is in accordance with the position of the slaughter. Next, the cow is ready to be slaughtered. With this tool, the cow thresher process can be done quickly, which is no more than 3 minutes.
Panjono is optimistic that this tool will be able to be a solution for mosques or other institutions that organize sacrificial animal slaughter. It is hoped that public awareness of the importance of using a restraining box will also increase so that the welfare of sacrificial animals and the safety of officers is well maintained.
On this year’s Eid al-Adha, the portable restraining box was introduced to its use at the Al Islaah Mosque and residents in Nitikan Village, Sorosutan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. Acceptance of mosque officials and takmir of this tool is generally good.
From the results of these trials, Panjono and his team will continue to make improvements to Gama Abilawa, apply for a patent, and socialize its use to organizers of other sacrificial animal slaughter.