Faculty of Animal Science UGM Collaborates with PT Juang Jaya Abdi Alam

Faculty of Animal Science UGM has established a collaboration with PT Juang Jaya Abdi Alam. The cooperation agreement between the two parties was signed by the Dean Faculty of Animal Science  UGM, Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng, and the CEO of PT Juang Jaya Abdi Alam, Dicky Adiwoso, on Saturday, June 15, at the Auditorium.

In his remark, Budi Guntoro emphasized that the MoU with PT Juang Jaya Abdi Alam is a way to bridge the gap between higher education and industry. This initiative aligns with the mandate from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology regarding the “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom to Learn) policy.

“We welcome this collaboration as it brings the university closer to practitioners and the industry,” said Budi.

Budi reminded the audience that animal husbandry is currently a key focus of the President and Vice President’s program. One of the objectives is to elevate livestock products, particularly animal protein, to be on par with or even surpass those of other Asian countries.

“In terms of meat and milk production and consumption, we are still lagging. This remains a challenge on how to develop animal protein products to help improve the nation’s intelligence. Additionally, addressing stunting is also crucial,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dicky Adiwoso stated that the forms of cooperation with Faculty of Animal Science  UGM could include research and student internships. “Various research projects and student internships can help improve beef cattle farming and livestock management in general,” said Dicky.

In a public lecture following the MoU signing, Dicky shared his experiences in managing cattle fattening in Indonesia in collaboration with Australia. He mentioned several factors that influence cattle export and import, including weather conditions, shipping logistics, order timing, political and public sentiments, and licensing issues.


Writer: Satria
Translator: Prisilia Putri
Photo: Margiyono

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