Faculty of Animal Science UGM Gives Lecture to Breeders

Faculty of Animal Sciences Universitas Gadjah Mada have conducted a public lecture for farmers that has run since 16 September 2017. As many as 630 participants have registered to join the programme. Due to the enthusiasm, the lecture is held in several batches. The first was joined by some 200 participants who are breeders from across Indonesia. After completing 32 materials in 16 lectures, the first batch lecture was closed on Saturday (27/1) in the Auditorium of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM.

Afterwards, the participants initiated the formation of cooperative named as Koperasi Rojokoyo Gama Mandiri with at least 80 people participating. Launching of the coop was done in Sukorejo, Girikerto, Turi, Sleman. Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., hoped the co-op would be the medium for business and development of animal husbandry among the lecture attendees.

Ali added the co-op had been opted because this form of endeavour was most suitable for people’s economy and the spirit of working together. In his opinion, each member of the co-op has the same opportunity to be active in it. Ali said that lecturers and leadership of the Faculty also helped initiate the coop to sustain their future. As a start, the coop did a joint goat fattening project.

“Koperasi Rojokoyo Gama Mandiri is established as a forum for business development of animal husbandry which includes in production co-op type,” Ali explained.

Source: http://ugm.ac.id/en/news/15560-faculty.of.animal.science.ugm.gives.lecture.to.breeders