Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM graduated 13 Masters and 5 Doctors in the graduation ceremony for the October 2020 period. The average GPA of the Master Program graduates was 3.85 and the Doctoral Program was 3.82.
“In the midst of this pandemic, for a moment we are happy because you have finished your studies at UGM. We congratulate you, you are now an alumnus who has the right to hold M.Sc and Doctoral degrees. We hope that the graduates will not stop learning from anyone because actually everyone we meet can provide lessons for all of us,” said the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN. Eng when giving a remark at the graduation ceremony for the Postgraduate Program graduates, Thursday (22/10).
In the event that was held online, Budi Guntoro said that graduates must always improve their quality, which can be achieved through training or conferences.
“Graduates will become public figures in society who have a big influence, especially in the development of livestock in Indonesia. Start everything with the right intention, that way you will not do anything that violates the law,” Budi said.
Budi added that after earning a degree, graduates can reflect on the philosophy of butterflies. To become a butterfly, a cocoon goes through 4 changes. First, a change in shape. After students graduate, they are expected to change in terms of appearance and temperament because they will become an example in society. Second, changes in structure. Graduates are like butterflies who have wings so that they look more beautiful, mature, and mature in facing problems.
“Third, change in movement. As a graduate of the Postgraduate Program, an alumni must have high mobilization in forming networks, both nationally and internationally. The fourth change is a change in focus for the future, namely a better and more planned life. Good luck, UGM will always be together in your career journey,” Budi said.
Head of the Master Study Program ,. Ir. Nafiatul Umami, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN. Eng, who presented a statistical data report on graduates in the event, said that the best S2 graduates achieved by Ni Made Ari Kusuma Dewi, S.Pt., M.Sc. with a GPA of 3.98 and the best doctoral graduates achieved by Dr. Bayu Andri Atmoko, S.Pt. with a GPA of 3.86. With the graduation of these students, until now the FAS UGM has graduated 808 Masters and 137 Doctorates.
In this graduation period, FAS UGM also graduated one Master program student from Vietnam, namely Nguyen Hoang Qui, M.Sc. Nguyen is the fastest graduate with a study period of 1 year 1 month 8 days.
“While studying here, I have received many benefits, starting from getting to know many Indonesian friends of various ethnicities and cultures, interesting lecture topics, various scholarship offers, and funding resources. Studying at UGM is always supported by the campus with supporting facilities such as dormitories, libraries, wifi, and many more. In addition, the lecturers are very kind and always help me in academic activities, research, studies, and even keep in touch until now,” Qui said when contacted Saturday (24/10).