Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM in collaboration with the Secondary Cooperative “Sarana Usaha Warga Sejahtera Sleman” held the first semi-virtual dairy cow contest in Indonesia from 1 to 5 September 2020. The judging process and announcement of winners were carried out online and in person, followed by 72 cattle owned by breeders who joined in the Secondary Cooperative “Sarana Usaha Warga Sejahtera Sleman”. This activity was held in the context of implementing the Community Service Program scheme for Community Service Based on the Utilization of Research Results and the Application of Appropriate Technology.
“Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, contests are held semi-virtual. At the initial stage, each group of breeders identifies and selects livestock to be registered into the contest based on technical instructions uploaded on Youtube,” said FAS UGM Lecturer, Ir. Yuni Suranindyah, MS., Ph.D., IPM as the head of the activity on Sunday (13/9).
These technical guidelines are in the form of quantitative and qualitative measurements made by experts by taking into account the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for dairy cows. This method is expected to be able to train the farmer’s ability to collect data on body size of dairy cows and the characteristics that reflect milk production.
“This livestock contest is held to motivate breeders to produce quality dairy cow breeds as well as to assist breeders in conducting cattle screening within the scope of the milk cooperative,” said Yuni.
The long-term objective of this contest is that the cooperative is able to independently form a pattern of raising superior dairy cattle breeds from breeders. The quality of the cattles provided independently is better, guaranteed to be healthy and not infected by external diseases, and can be selected from cows with high milk production.
Regent of Sleman, Drs. H. Sri Purnomo, M.Sc., who attended the announcement of the contest winners on Sunday (13/9) said Sleman Regency welcomed the of the dairy cow contest and agreed to hold cooperation in the future. Sri Purnomo also hopes that community service activities by FAS UGM in Sleman can be increased.
“Sarana Usaha Warga Sejahtera Sleman”, which was visited by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs one month ago, still needs to be optimized in order to get support in the form of capital strengthening by the central government. He hopes that, with guidance from FAS UGM, the dairy cows in Sleman will be of good quality so that the breeders will get better results,” said Sri Purnomo.
Sri Purnomo added that the team from FAS UGM could look directly at the slopes of Merapi to select cows that not only produce more milk but also have high quality. When the milk is abundant and good, it can be absorbed by the milk factories around Merapi. Even now, some of the milk has been sent to the milk factory in Surabaya.
Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPU., ASEAN. Eng, who was also present at the event, said that community service is UGM’s commitment which was born during the struggle to uphold independence and to help educate the community. The technological knowledge developed at Fapet UGM must be conveyed to the public including dairy farmers, especially since UGM is in Sleman. Therefore, FAS UGM is committed to always supporting the transfer of knowledge and technology to improve skills and community welfare.
“Faculty of Animal Science UGM is also happy with the existence and progress of the Secondary Cooperative Sarana Usaha Warga Sejahtera Sleman. “The existence of this cooperative accelerates the progress of the economy from the community-based dairy sector because it works with breeders and to strengthen each other,” Ali said.
Ali Agus also hopes that the contest can be held every year to motivate farmers in Sleman in managing their business, selecting superior cattle breeds with high productivity, so that they will increase their profit and welfare. During the Covid-19 pandemic, dairy farmers still exist and even increase their business because the demand for fresh milk is still there and even tends to increase.
The jury chaired by Prof. Dr. Sumadi, MS, IPU from the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, along with drh. Nanang Danardono as a jury from the Sleman Agriculture Office conducted an assessment by visiting the participants by applying strict health protocol standards. Meanwhile, drh. Samsu Fikar, a judge from BBPTU Baturraden, conducted an online assessment of qualitative aspects based on photos of each cow and the results of quantitative data measurement.
Announcement of winners is made semi-virtual, namely via live streaming Youtube and a limited number of live meetings on September 13, 2020 by complying with health protocols in the cooperative environment of Samesta, Ploso Kerep, Umbulharjo, Cangkringan. In addition to obtaining certificates and coaching fees, the winning cows are registered to get a Certificate of Quality Cattle from the Agriculture Office of Sleman Regency.
“With this semi-virtual system, cows do not need to be transported to the contest location so they are not stressed and production is not interrupted. Farmers also do not need to pay for transporting livestock. In addition, the real assessment at the location allows the jury to see the daily conditions of the breeders,” explained Yuni.
Yuni added, from the competition, the cattles were generally in good condition, and there were even cows with a special production level. However, there are still obstacles, namely the maintenance process during rearing that is not good enough so that the calving time is too late. The majority of dairy farmers in Sleman supply milk needs in DIY and some of it is paid to milk factories in West Java. On average, each cow produces 12 to 23 liters of milk per day and some can even reach up to 45 liters per day.
Participants in the contest were members of the Sarana Usaha Warga Sejahtera Secondary Cooperative, which consists of 4 dairy cooperatives, namely Warga Mulya, Sarono Makmur, Sapi Merapi Sejahterata (Samesta) and Kaliurang Animal Husbandry and Milking Business (UPP). The livestock contest is divided into 2 categories, namely heifers and lactating cows. Each group proposes 1 cow to be assessed in each category. Determination of contest participants in each group accompanied by the management of the milk cooperative.
Winner of the contest in the heiffer category, the first winner is Suwondo from the Sarono Makmur Cooperative, the second winner is Sarijani from the Merapi Sejahterata Cow Cooperative, the third winner is Suprapto from the Sarono Makmur Cooperative, the first runner up is Sukamto from the Warga Mulya Cooperative, and the second runner-up is Marsudi from the Warga Mulya Cooperative.
The winner of the contest for the mother lactation category, first place winner Waji from Boyong, second place winner Pardi from Boyong, third place winner Sarijani from Ngipiksari, runner-up champion I Supriyanto from Kemiri, and runner-up winner Pardi Mulyo from Boyong.