Faculty of Animal Science UGM Sets MURI Record for Largest Milk Distribution and Consumption Event with 11,150 Students

Faculty of Animal Science UGM has broken the MURI record for the largest milk distribution and consumption event, involving 11,150 students participated in the record. The record-breaking event included 7,162 UGM KKN students and 3,988 students from various faculties at UGM.

Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, stated that the record-breaking event was held to commemorate World Milk Day as part of the XI Lustrum of Faculty of Animal Science and the XV Lustrum of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

“The record number of 11,150 students symbolizes the unity of the faculty and the university,” Budi said on Friday (28/6).

Budi added that the purpose of breaking this MURI record is to raise awareness among the younger generation about the importance of milk consumption and to promote healthy habits in consuming animal protein, especially milk. The event is expected to positively impact increasing public knowledge and awareness about the importance of nutrition and encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Ir. Nasrullah, M.Sc., Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, expressed his appreciation and congratulations for breaking the MURI record. Nasrullah hopes that this achievement will stimulate and inspire the younger generation about the importance of meeting animal protein needs in their diet.

Currently, Nasrullah said, milk consumption in Indonesia is still low compared to several ASEAN countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

“The unequal accessibility of milk products in society is feared to affect the quality of our human resources,” Nasrullah stated.

The Ministry of Agriculture will soon launch a pilot project for free milk distribution from August to December 2024 for elementary school children in Banyumas Regency. Currently, there are 36 elementary schools involved, consisting of 31 public schools, 3 private schools, and 2 islamic schools, with a total of approximately 4,874 students.

“This pilot project is an early step to prepare Indonesia’s younger generation. In the future, it can be replicated in other regions and serve as a catalyst for the revival of the Indonesian dairy industry,” Nasrullah explained.

The MURI record certificate was presented not only to the Dean of Fapet but also to the Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med. Ed., Sp.OG(K), for deploying the most KKN-PPM students in the most provinces (35 provinces).

This event, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, also involved several partners and sponsors, including AIPS, Nestle, GDA (Good Dairy Alami), Indomilk, Frisian Flag Indonesia, Cimory, Ultrajaya, Lactona, Greenfield, and Pinsar Petelur Nasional (PPN).

The Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) at UGM has broken the MURI record for the largest milk distribution and consumption event, involving 11,150 students. The record-breaking event included 7,162 UGM KKN students and 3,988 students from various faculties at UGM.

Prof. Ir. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng., Dean of the Faculty of Animal Science, stated that the record-breaking event was held to commemorate World Milk Day as part of the XI Lustrum of the Faculty of Animal Science and the XV Lustrum of Universitas Gadjah Mada.

“The record number of 11,150 students symbolizes the unity of the faculty and the university,” Budi said on Friday (28/6).

Budi added that the purpose of breaking this MURI record is to raise awareness among the younger generation about the importance of milk consumption and to promote healthy habits in consuming animal protein, especially milk. The event is expected to positively impact increasing public knowledge and awareness about the importance of nutrition and encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

Dr. Ir. Nasrullah, M.Sc., Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, expressed his appreciation and congratulations for breaking the MURI record. Nasrullah hopes that this achievement will stimulate and inspire the younger generation about the importance of meeting animal protein needs in their diet.

Currently, Nasrullah said, milk consumption in Indonesia is still low compared to several ASEAN countries, such as Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

“The unequal accessibility of milk products in society is feared to affect the quality of our human resources,” Nasrullah stated.

The Ministry of Agriculture will soon launch a pilot project for free milk distribution from August to December 2024 for elementary school children in Banyumas Regency. Currently, there are 36 elementary schools involved, consisting of 31 public schools, 3 private schools, and 2 madrasahs, with a total of approximately 4,874 students.

“This pilot project is an early step to prepare Indonesia’s younger generation. In the future, it can be replicated in other regions and serve as a catalyst for the revival of the Indonesian dairy industry,” Nasrullah explained.

The MURI record certificate was presented not only to the Dean of Fapet but also to the Rector of UGM, Prof. Dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med. Ed., Sp.OG(K), for deploying the most KKN-PPM students in the most provinces (35 provinces).

This event, supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, also involved several partners and sponsors, including AIPS, Nestle, GDA (Good Dairy Alami), Indomilk, Frisian Flag Indonesia, Cimory, Ultrajaya, Lactona, Greenfield, and Pinsar Petelur Nasional.


Writer: Satria
Translator: Prisilia Putri
Photo: Margiyono