The Bachelor of Animal Science and Industry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Science UGM went through a visitation process for ASIIN international re-accreditation together with three study programs from the Faculty of Biology and the Postgraduate School on May 16-17, 2023. The accreditation for Bachelor of Animal Science and Industry Study Program was first submitted in 2017 and received ASIIN international accreditation in 2018 – 2023. This year, the Animal Husbandry Science and Industry Study Program, Faculty of Animal Husbandry UGM is again applying for an extension of the accreditation.
ASIIN (Akcreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik) is an international accreditation institution originating from Germany for the fields of engineering, mathematics and science, agriculture, biology. ASIIN’s international accreditation prioritizes an output-based accreditation process (Outcome Based Accreditation). Thus, the main thing to be assessed programs that had implemented Outcome Based Education (OBE) and an evaluation of the level of achievement of program outcomes. Institutional commitment in facilitating OBE is crucial in this international accreditation assessment. (Secretariat/Prisil)