Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) graduated 46 animal industry engineers who are the members of the Past Learning Recognition (RPL) Professional Engineer Program in Animal Industry (PSPPIP). The inauguration was held on Tuesday (6/11) at the Balai Senat of Universitas Gadjah Mada.
“Congratulations and thanks to the RPL participants,” said Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of FAS UGM when giving a remark at the graduation ceremony at the auditorium of FAS UGM, Tuesday (6/11).
Budi added, the engineer program was held because it was a government mandate and as an effort in developing the science. “In addition, the area of expertise that we have needs to be bound. With the profession, the boundaries of science are clear,” Budi said.
On the same occasion, the head of PSPPIP UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Zuprizal, DEA., IPU in his report said that in this period, RPL participants who achieve the title of Insinyur Profesional Utama (IPU) were 14 participants and Insinyur Profesional Madya (IPM) were 32 participants.
“There are 30 participants who achieve GPA with cumlaude predicate, 13 participants achieved GPA with very satisfying predicate, and 3 participants achieved GPA with satisfying predicate. Prof. Dr. Ir. Hartutik, M.P., IPU achieved the highest GPA of 3.98,” Zuprizal said. (Nadia)