As many as 49 undergraduate students from the Faculty of Animal Science UGM officially graduated at the Graduation Ceremony Grha Sabha Pramana (24/5). Furthermore, the graduates took part in a inauguration and farewell event at the Auditorium drh. R Soepardjo, Faculty of Animal Science UGM. At this graduation ceremony, Noor Rizky Irmasari Hasibuan managed to achieve the highest GPA with a Cum Laude predicate with a GPA of 3.84.
Dean of the UGM Faculty of Animal Science, Prof. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., Ph.D., ASEAN Eng., in his remarks conveyed the importance of strong character and mentality to be able to engage in social life. “Technological advances in the livestock sector in the 4.0 era are developing very rapidly. Not only science, but technological development must also be followed so that we are not left behind, eroded, and then forgotten. Therefore, young workers who had been studied at the Faculty of Animal Science are expected to become strong and resilient individuals in society, including in the field of worklife,” said Prof. Budi Guntoro. (Secretariat/Prisil).