Alumni of the Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) including alumni of the Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM must mutually align roles to develop human resources (HR). Especially for those who have occupied positions as policy makers and decision makers in their respective institutions.
This was stated by the chairman of the UGM Alumni Family (KAPGAMA) Ganjar Pranowo, SH, MIP. after inaugurating the Management of the Faculty of Animal Science Alumni Family (KAPGAMA) at the FAS UGM campus on Tuesday (18/2/2020) evening.
The handover of the KAPGAMA standard from the KAGAMA Chairperson to the appointed KAPGAMA Chairperson was carried out in a modern closed house for broiler chicken containing 10-day-old chickens. FAS UGM has 2 closed house enclosures donated by PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Tbk and PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk.
“Many of our alumni occupy important positions. The Secretary General of KAGAMA (while appointing AAGN Ari Dwipayana) was the one who gave the concept of what the president would say on various important occasions. He also compiled the strategy to date, Central Java being the province that received the cleanest (from corruption) predicate by the KPK. In addition there are ministers and even the president of Indonesia is a member of KAGAMA,” said the Governor of Central Java.
Likewise, Ganjar continued, the development of integrated farming in Central Java, which he described his opportunities and got his concept feedback on the UGM campus as well. “Although the results are not yet very visible, but a bright spot in that direction has been seen,” he said.
Ganjar highlights the opportunity to overcome stunting (problems of slow growth in children) through livestock as a major producer of animal protein. “KAPGAMA must have a demonstration plot, I offer Central Java,” he offered. He said, the problem of stunting must be prevented since the phase of pregnant women, and must be overcome since children under 3 years of age.
“In Central Java, I have a program in Central Java Gayeng Nginceng Wong Meteng (Central Java in Collecting Data on Pregnant Women). Apparently, only 20% of pregnant women have problems, some are anemic and malnourished, which has the potential for maternal mortality and stunting. After successfully being recorded, checked regularly, staying later after birth, we pay attention to the nutritional intake so that children do not stunt,” he explained.
Ganjar also expressed his readiness to provide Central Java as a demonstration plot for KAGAMA and KAPGAMA to conceptualize more comprehensively how to deal with stunting with a systemic approach. “How do the chicken and eggs are cheap. How to keep corn available high prices for farmers but reasonable for farmers. Later KAGAMA alumni of forestry provide land, agriculture provides seeds with superior genetic safety that are safe,” he said.
Ir. Achmad Dawami, Chairperson of the inaugurated PP KAPGAMA stated that the quality of national human resources is correlated by the level of animal protein consumption. “The fact that our consumption of animal protein is among the lowest among ASEAN countries. In the past, Malaysian teachers learned from us. Now it’s upside down, we study in Malaysia and even in the Philippines. The Filipino workforce is far better than us,” said the 1974 UGM alumni.
In fact, explained Dawami, Indonesia’s per capita income of USD 4,000 is still higher than the Philippines and Vietnam. Stunting due to malnutrition – including animal protein, will also produce a generation of low intelligence, which cumulatively will potentially be a big problem for the Indonesian people.
“So this is related to nutrition awareness. Even cigarette consumption is higher than animal protein. I encourage through KAPGAMA to KAGAMA as the parent organization, to develop the concept of improving the quality of human resources through increasing consumption of animal protein, we convey to the president so that he is more heard,” he stressed.
Besides being related to the national human resource output, animal protein also involves the livestock industry which has absorbed direct labor of 3.7 million people. “The multiplier effect has not been calculated, if we include the number of family members of the livestock industry workforce,” Dawami said.
On that occasion the Dean of the FAS UGM Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA, DEA, IPU, Asean. Eng. congratulate KAPGAMA management who have been appointed. “Hopefully, it can provide kindness and benefit to various parties where we all interact. And KAPGAMA is able to help the role of Gadjah Mada University in the wider arena,” he said.
“Livestock has a significant role to be responsible for providing nutrition through livestock food production such as meat, eggs, milk and honey. All products are to help the welfare of society,” Ali Agus said. (Nadia)