Capacity of duck breeders needs to be enhanced to meet the increasing need of duck meat consumption.
This emerged in the Focus Group Discussion themed Prospect and Challenge of National Duck Industry, held by Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM on Friday (11/5).
The event was joined by industry practitioners, academics, government, and stakeholders from around Indonesia. The event also aimed at building and enhancing the network between the stakeholders.
Professor from the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ir Jafendi H.P Sidadolog, in the occasion explained that breeding of duck would succeed if doing disciplined recording and evaluation which is also appropriate and accurate.
“This is all combined with the support from breeding expertise, especially in terms of improvement of sustainable genetic quality,” he said.
Jafendi said further the problem that the poultry mating patterns and selection deviations would make the genetic improvement effort and further breeding efforts a failure.
“So, let’s improve homeyard duck raising as germplasm for future hybrid. This is the key to the development of elite and superior duck strain,” he said.
Practitioner Ardy Wisuku in the forum presented three important steps to be done to improve local poultry. Initial step would be to increase the capacity of breeders as the breeding players.
“Currently, the capacity of breeders is small. Only a few breeders have over 1,000 ducks,” said the owner of CV. Kuda Hitam Perkasa. Came secondly, he said, quality and quantity enhancement of the poultry seed. Thirdly, use and processing of local feed to minimise dependence on imported products. What is also important is to develop duck breeders institution to make it integrated.
Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, Prof. Ali Agus, said the discussion was aimed to serve as a forum for consolidation of all practitioners, academics, and stakeholders to share and discuss the potential and prospect of national duck industry. This event was also expected to enhance the network to make professional cooperation based on mutual cooperation.