Pennisetum purpureum var. Gama umami Leads UGM Innovator to Win Widhi Catha Satwa Nugraha Awards 2024

The innovator behind Pennisetum purpureum var. Gama umami from Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) UGM, Prof. Ir. Nafiatul Umami, SPt., MP., PhD., IPM., ASEAN Eng, along with Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suhartanto, DEA., IPU., and Dr. Teguh Wahyono, S.Pt., M.Si., have been nobled with Widhi Catha Satwa Nugraha Award  in Indolivestock Research and Innovation Awards 2024 in the Goat and Sheep category. The awards ceremony took place on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at the Jakarta Convention Center.

Nafiatul Umami stated that in the competition, she and her team presented their research titled “Superior Gama Umami (Pennisetum purpureum Var. Gama Umami): A Biomass Fiber Feed Source for Ruminants.”

“We are grateful for the support and synergy of many parties, which enabled us to emerge as winners of the Indolivestock Research and Innovation Awards,” said Nafiatul on Thursday (18/7).

The competition, initiated by the Indonesian Livestock Development Foundation (YPPI), was participated by 24 public and private universities, involving 20 lecturers with master’s degrees, 24 PhDs, and 22 professors, presenting a total of 61 research works.

There are five categories in the Indolivestock Research and Innovation Award 2024: Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Goats and Sheep, Poultry, and Various Livestock.

Nafiatul Umami hopes that the award will help address the issue of livestock feed self-sufficiency in the country. As is known, Pennisetum purpureum var. Gama umami is a result of mutating Pennisetum purpureum that has been irradiated with gamma rays, producing grass superior to its parent. Pennisetum purpureum  was chosen because it is a superior species, favored by ruminant, and highly suitable to be developed in a tropical country like Indonesia. The production of ennisetum purpureum var. Gama umami is higher than that of the local ePennisetum purpureum and can be harvested up to six times a year.

Author: Satria
Translator: Prisilia Putri
Photo: Nafiatul

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