The Indonesia Australia Red Meat and Cattle Partnership is again holding a “Small Scale Commercial Cattle Farming Business Management Training” in collaboration with the Faculty of Animal Science Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University. This training was held in Makassar on 24 – 29 July 2023. The target participants in this training were farmers in Kalimantan and Sulawesi with a minimum number of private ownerships of 10 head of cattle and who were commercially oriented.
The registration process started from 16 June – 6 July 2023. The total registrants for this training were 101 farmers from 11 provinces in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. The series of selection activities included registration, administrative selection, interviews, then the announcement of the training participants. A total of 30 people were selected to be participants with a composition of 20 men and 10 women. All participants took part in a series of training delivered by academics, practitioners and financial institutions who are competent in their fields.
The training includes material sessions, practicum sessions, and farm visits. The materials in this training cover basic principles of business management; gender equality and changes in the paradigm of livestock business; model of cattle breeding business in Indonesia; breeding management; fattening management; livestock business; business processes; banking support in livestock business; marketing and planning of livestock business; livestock business economic analysis; livestock assessment, feed preparation, and fertilizer processing. Meanwhile, practical activities consist of livestock assessment; feed preparation; and fertilizer manufacture. Then the visit activities carried out at CV. Enhal Farm. At the end of the activity there was a presentation from each participant regarding the implementation plan in their livestock business after receiving this series of training.
Ir. Panjono, S.Pt., MP, Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng., Lecturer of Faculty of Animal Husbandry at Gadjah Mada University as the Course Leader, in his speech expressed his hopes for this activity. “Hopefully after this training, the cattle business of the participants will increase in terms of scale and quality. Then the farmers are able to run their livestock business commercially even though the small scale,” said Panjono.
“The participants’ extraordinary enthusiasm is expected to be able to create new breakthroughs in accordance with the culture and wealth of natural resources they have in order to increase income from their livestock business,” said Dr. Syahdar Baba as Dean Faculty of Animal Science, Hasanuddin University.
“I am proud of this training in Makassar, because it has been held in eastern Indonesia with a training model that greatly facilitates the participants to gain new knowledge,” said Todd Dias as the Consulate General of Australia in Makassar.
This training is expected to be the right activity to contribute to improve small-scale farmers in Indonesia. It is expected that this training will enable breeders in Indonesia, especially the Kalimantan and Sulawesi regions, to develop in running their livestock business. (Secretariat/Prisil)