The low quality of human resources is a challenge for livestock today. Even though Indonesia has a demographic age bonus, highly educated animal science (diploma and bachelor) employees is still very low, ie 1-2% or 50-60 thousand of the total human resources in animal husbandry. On the other hand, the role of industry 4.0 in the poultry sector is demanded to prepare superior human resources. Without quality human resources preparation, this industry will be weak, despite having great opportunities. Therefore, young people must be stimulated to be willing to enter the livestock industry, especially the poultry industry.
This was raised in the OPERA (Obrolan Peternakan) held by the Center for Animal Science Development Study (PKPP) of the Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM on Saturday (16/5) online with the theme “Established Millennials in the Poultry Industry”.
The speakers in the program were Ir. Moch. Fahmi Habibi, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPP. (Lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Science UGM), Galih Tantyo Yuwono, S.Pt. (Owner Budi Agung Jaya Farm), Ir. Dimas Wicaksono, S.Pt., IPP. (Coordinator of the Purworejo Laying Chicken Breeders’ Association) and Aryo Pujo Sakti, S.Pt (Participant of the UGM-PT Charoen Phokpand Indonesia Work Based Academy Program). Discussions were carried out through the WEBEX platform and live streaming on the YouTube channel of the FAS UGM. The discussion participants numbered about 100 people from 37 institutions.
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, there was indeed a decrease in demand for poultry products, causing meat and egg prices to decline. However, what needs to be considered at this time is how the pandemic poultry industry is due to the possibility that demand for poultry products will increase while production will decline.
Galih Tantyo Yuwono, S.Pt revealed that the poultry industry today must rely on technology to achieve optimal productivity and economic efficiency so that farmers will not suffer losses. Especially after the pandemic, product prices experienced a drastic price decline. Young people are usually more literate about technology, so that it can increase the productivity of the poultry sector.
“Young people play an important role in providing education related to technological developments in the field of poultry for farmers. Especially breeders with lower education levels and older age. This collaboration will make poultry a sustainable industry,” added Ir. Dimas Wicaksono, S.Pt., IPP.
The Faculty of Animal Science UGM developed a Work-Based Academy program in collaboration with PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia to provide skills and understanding related to the poultry industry, especially in the use of Closed-House technology. This program is part of preparing superior human resources in the poultry industry. One of the program participants, Aryo Pujo Sakti who was the guest speaker explained that the technology in poultry farms today really makes it easier for farmers to achieve optimal chicken productivity.
“Closed-House is a technology to answer the challenges of poultry production in tropical regions like Indonesia. Broiler growth age of 30 days can reach 2-2.3 kg in the presence of this technology. Moreover, it is also efficient in the use of feed and reduces mortality,” added Aryo.