UGM Community Service Programs Empowers Maluku Communities

In 2024, UGM dispatched 7,126 students to serve Community Service Programs to various regions across Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke. As the oldest national university, UGM embodies the spirit of national unity. The progran aligns with Gajah Mada’s spirit of unifying the archipelago. Hence, the Community Service Programs, which is an academic activity, also carries the spirit of UGM as a unifying force for Indonesia. In contemporary terms, this is known as nationalism.

One of the Community Service Programs groups, out of more than 7,000 students sent by UGM, was placed in Air Buaya District, Buru Regency, Maluku Province. Thirty students were assigned to three villages: Air Buaya, Waemangit, and Waepure, with each village receiving 10 students. They were supervised by the Field Supervisor, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Suwignyo, S.Pt, MP, IPM, ASEAN Eng from Faculty of Animal Science UGM.

Sara, Acha, and Adrian, the student coordinators for each village sub-unit, stated that their mapping efforts led them to formulate action programs for the activities, focusing on program downstreaming.

“The goal is to add value to the commodities in the Community Service Programs locations,” explained Sara, Sunday (7/28).

Bambang Suwignyo added that external perspectives are often necessary to recognize the potential of an area. The local community may be too accustomed to their environment, seeing everything as ordinary. In contrast, external observers can identify extraordinary aspects that might be overlooked by the locals.

“Community Service Programs students, with their academic knowledge, are believed to be capable of mapping the region’s potential based on the spirit of nationalism,” said Bambang.

On Saturday, July 27, 2024, when the Community Service Programs site was visited by the regional coordinator (Korwil) of Maluku Papua KKN, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ambar Kusumandari, the students presented products from community training sessions conducted with the Community Service Programs. These included nutmeg syrup, nutmeg jam, chocolate candy, mocaf flour, and tuna tofu. Meanwhile, downstream products in the socialization stage during the regional coordinator visit included charcoal briquettes and palm sugar.

“With village funds, it is hoped that the village will continue programs to enhance the added value of various superior commodities to generate income for households and collective businesses, such as through BUMDes,” hoped Ambar.


Source and Photos: Bambang Suwignyo
Editor: Satria
Translator: Prisilia Putri

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