UGM Students Develop Heat Stress Prevention Device for Broiler Chickens

Five students from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) have formed the PKM-KI Team to develop “HeatAway,” a device designed to mitigate the impact of heat stress on broiler chickens. The team members include Shafira Adelia (Animal Science and Industry, 2022), Satria Anggit Pamungkas (Electronics and Instrumentation, 2021), Ihza Surya Pratama (Electronics and Instrumentation, 2021), Muhammad Hanan Hawari (Electronics and Instrumentation, 2021), and Raden Fakhru Rossy (Electronics and Instrumentation, 2021), under the guidance of Dr. Danang Lelono, S.Si, M.Sc.

Shafira explained that HeatAway is an innovative product designed to combat heat stress by controlling blowers, sprinklers, and light intensity. This innovation aims to improve livestock comfort, increase average daily gain (ADG), reduce feed conversion ratio (FCR), and provide numerous other benefits.

“HeatAway is a locally created innovative product by students that can be a solution for broiler farmers. It not only mitigates the impact of heat stress but also optimizes chicken productivity. This allows students to innovate and positively impact the poultry industry,” said Shafira Adelia, a member of the PKM-KI HeatAway team and a student of the Faculty of Animal Science UGM, on Tuesday (7/23).

She further explained that the creation of HeatAway was motivated by the high population and demand for poultry farming. Poultry farming faces specific challenges, such as the fluctuating and often unsuitable environmental temperatures in Indonesia, which lead to increased cases of heat stress.

Heat stress is a condition that occurs when chickens cannot adjust their body conditions to the environmental temperatures, resulting in growth disturbances or even death.

In response to this issue, the PKM-KI HeatAway team developed the Environmental Controller device, which consists of a master, a slave, and a mobile app. The innovative HeatAway product uses sensors to create a fully automated tool and provides real-time data from the poultry house through a mobile app. The sensors monitor various parameters, including ammonia levels, temperature, humidity, lux, and wind speed inside the poultry house.


Source: PKM-KI HeatAway Team
Translator: Prisilia Putri
Editor: Satria

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