UGM Students Innovate Bricks from Cattle Manure

A unique innovation from UGM students has created bricks made from cattle manure, especially cow manure. This innovation, named “Batako Bawono,” is the result of a collaboration between Nauziyah Azuardini and Yossi Dyah Listiana (Animal Science and Industry, 2022), Dinda Ramadhan and Zaenal Arif (Veterinary Technology, 2022), and Muhammad Rakan Arrandhi (Civil Infrastructure Management and Maintenance Engineering, 2023), under the supervision of Ir. Annisa’ Qurrotun A’yun, S.Pt., M.Sc., IPP from  Faculty of Animal Science UGM. The “Batako Bawono” program is funded through the Student Creativity Program in the Community Service category.

Dinda Ramadhan stated that the Batako Bawono program was initiated due to issues in Padukuhan Kulwaru, Kulon Progo, where cattle manure was not being effectively utilized or processed.

“The youth organization (karang taruna) as a partner of the Batako Bawono PKM-PM team shares a strong commitment to make Padukuhan Kulwaru Wetan a healthy, clean area with a productive youth organization,” said Dinda on Saturday (20/7).

Muhammad Rakan Arrandhi added that the Karang Taruna Karya Muda Wetan youth organization actively and responsively participated in the Batako Bawono program. They have even established a work unit to manage the brick business and aim to make Karang Taruna Karya Muda Wetan a center of learning for producing cattle manure bricks in Yogyakarta.

“The Batako Bawono PKM-PM team monitors and evaluates regularly to achieve the program’s goals. Evidence of the collaboration between Karang Taruna Karya Muda Wetan and the Batako Bawono PKM-PM team can be seen on the Instagram accounts @batakobawono_dan and @pkmpm_batakobawono,” said Rakan.

Hikmal, the Chair of Karang Taruna Karya Muda Wetan, welcomed the UGM students’ program. This was evident during the training and socialization sessions, which were attended not only by the youth organization members but also by the local people of Kulwaru Wetan, who participated and learned together in making cattle manure bricks.

The efforts by the Batako Bawono team have made the youth organization more productive. Their work has also reduced cow manure waste in Padukuhan Kulwaru Wetan by approximately 61.8% of the daily production of cow manure waste.

Source and photo: Yossi Dyah Listiana (Student Faculty of Animal Science UGM)
Editor: Satria
Translator: Prisilia Putri

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