
Faculty News

Faculty of Animal Science UGM Canteen Certified Halal By LPPOM MUI DIY

Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM Canteen certified by Halal LPPOM MUI DIY. This certification is done as a commitment to provide halal food with reasonable price to students as the next generation. The certificate handover was conducted on Monday, (14/5) at the canteen of FAS UGM.

“Thank you to Dharma Wanita of FAS UGM as the manager of the canteen and LPPOM MUI DIY which already made an effort for this certification. This is our role to help people serve halal dan healthy food. We hope that FAS Canteen has more progress and blessings,” said Dean of FAS UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPU on the certificate handover event. read more

Student of FAS UGM Attended 17 Globals Goals Conference in Malaysia

Student of Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM, Zhavira Artensia, attended 17 Global Goals MUN “Young Generation for Realization of 17 Global Goals”on April 13—16, 2018 in Malaysia. This conference trained students to debate using the Model United Nations (MUN) with the selected themes.

“I got a role as a delegation from Guatemala. Each delegation was given an opportunity to describe the food conditions in his/her country,” Vira said. She explained that Guatemala has malnutrition problem for many years, the country is even on the fifth position in the world as a country in which the population suffer from malnutrition. People in Guatemala focus on farming but don’t have sufficient knowledge on nutrition. read more

National Duck Breeding Capacity Needs to Increase

Capacity of duck breeders needs to be enhanced to meet the increasing need of duck meat consumption.

This emerged in the Focus Group Discussion themed Prospect and Challenge of National Duck Industry, held by Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM on Friday (11/5).

The event was joined by industry practitioners, academics, government, and stakeholders from around Indonesia. The event also aimed at building and enhancing the network between the stakeholders.

Professor from the Faculty, Prof. Dr. Ir Jafendi H.P Sidadolog, in the occasion explained that breeding of duck would succeed if doing disciplined recording and evaluation which is also appropriate and accurate. read more

Quality Feed Promotes Farmers’ Additional Income

Feed has a great influence on productivity and rentability of dairy farm business. To feed the dairy cattle, farmers must check on the breeding period. The first trimester (the first up to the third month after pregnancy) is a period with high milk production, meanwhile, the second and the third trimester is a preparation period for the next pregnancy.

It was said by Dean of Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPU when delivered a lecture on “Kuliah Peternakan Bagimu Petani Kami Mengabdi” program, Friday (6/4) at the Auditorium Drh. R. Soepardjo FAS UGM. “Feed has a significant role in the cow’s milk production. We have created complete feed that consists of forage, concentrate, and vitamin and mineral premix. The concentrate that we use is the high quality one that is proven promoting farmers’ additional income. Some products that we have produced are supplement and additive, concentrate feed, and complete feed,” he said. read more

UGM Conducts Community Service in Penajam Paser Utara Kalimantan

Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM has conducted a community service project in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan, from 24-25 April 2018. This is in line with the government’s Nawacita program to build the nation from the rural areas by enhancing villages.

Vice-Dean for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation of the Faculty, Bambang Suwignyo, Ph.D., said they did community capacity enhancement of farmer groups in the areas.

The event invited resource persons such as Prof. Dr. Ali Agus who gave a description about cattle culling management that is integrated with oil palm plantation. Another resource person, Yuni Erwanto, Ph.D., explained about integrated chicken breeding while Bambang Suwignyo discussed feed and herding. read more