
Faculty News

Faculty of Animal Science UGM Opens Animal Industry Engineering Profession Programme

Faculty of Animal Science UGM opened new programme, namely Livestock Engineering Prefession Programme. The programme established to produce engineer in livestock that are competent, moralized, strong, independent, skilled, and professional. In addition, the competition in ASEAN continue to increase since workers from ASEAN are free to enter Indonesia.

This was revealed by Head of Livestock Engineering Prefession Programme, Prof. Dr. Ir. Zuprizal, DEA, on Wednesday (25/10) in Faculty of Animal Science UGM. “This programme established in following up the enactment of the law No. 11 Year 2014 on engineering. By registering and attending lectures during the programme, the graduate students will earn degree as engineer. After graduate, they still need to be tested their professionalism by professional organizations, i.e Association of Indonesian Engineers (PII),” explain Zuprizal. Certificate of Engineer issued by PII valid in international world so that all the fresh graduates can compete in ASEAN Economic Community (MEA). read more

FAS UGM equips Farmers with Emergency Disaster Skills

YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM optimized the extension of Emergency status of Mount Agung by giving training to farmers. The skills given were covered 3 functions in facing the disaster emergency condition.

“We optimize the extension time of emergency alert status of Mt. Agung by giving 3 in 1 training for farmers to face disaster emergency condition like this time” Said Dean of Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Prof. Dr. Ali Agus when responding declaration letter from Governor of Bali No. 99808/361/SET/BPBD which stated the alert status extension of evacuees treatment caused by Mt. Agung eruption was until October, 26th 2017, at FAS UGM, Yogyakarta, Wednesday (18/10) read more

Faculty of Animal Science UGM Supports The Prosperity of Small Holders, JAKARTA – In order to meet the 50th anniversary in 2019, Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Fapet) Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) expressed readiness to support the awakening and welfare of farmers throughout Indonesia. This was expressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry UGM Ali Agus  in his press release during the opening of UGM Fakuktas Dies Natalis 48th Anniversary, titled Membumikan Science, Technology,  Art and Culture (Iptek-SB) for Livestock Breeding and Welfare Breeders. read more

Educated Farmes Are Expected To Change Traditional Farmers Mindset

Consumption of protein in Indonesia is still far behind compared to other countries. Milk for example, Indonesia still importing as much as 70-90% of the total requirement. One of the things that can be used to overcome this problem is the quality of human resources in livestock.

This was revealed by Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D. in the graduation ceremony of undergraduate student on Wednesday (17/5/2017) at the Faculty of Animal Science. According to Budi, livestock graduates should be able to change the mindset of traditional farmers. However, this does not mean eliminating the role of rural farmers who manage 90% of the livestock sector in the traditional way. read more