
Faculty News

Indonesia Lacks of 280 Thousand Engineers

Indonesia has been predicted to lack of some 280 thousand engineers in the next five years. The great number of universities in the country cannot meet those demands while currently Indonesia is doing massive infrastructure works which needs a great number of engineers and thus became a destination country among foreign engineers.

“A number of countries have lobbied the Indonesian Engineers Association to enter into a project in the country,” said Deputy Head of the Association, Ir. Heru Dewanto, M.Eng., IPM., during the inauguration of 30 engineers who have completed professional engineers programme at UGM on Wednesday (7/3) in the Senate Hall. read more

29 Graduates of FAS UGM Achieve Cumlaude

29 graduates of Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM achieve cum laude on February 2018 graduation period. The total amount of graduates are 67.

It was said by Dean of FAS UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., IPM when delivered a remark on a graduation celebration on Wednesday (21/2) at the Auditorium Drh. R. Soepardjo FAS UGM. “I’m proud of the graduates. I hope that these fresh graduates can strengthen the big companies in livestock sector,” the Dean said.

The Dean added, the livestock industry keeps evolving now and needs a qualified human resources. “You have an important role in preparing high quality livestock products,” he said in front of the graduates. read more

Graduate Candidates of FAS UGM Received Training on Job Interview Technique

Graduate candidates of Faculty of Animal Science (FAS) UGM for February 2018 period received a training on job interview technique on Tuesday (13/2) at the FAS UGM. This training was held to prepare the graduate candidates to enter the workplace.

“This training is aimed to prepare the university graduates facing the job interview. In reality, most of the interviewees are not ready to answer the questions, said Ir. Anto Nugroho, M.I.Kom, IPM., CPS® the job interview trainers, as he delivered his presentation to the graduate candidates. read more

Faculty of Animal Sciences Encourages Development of Gama Cattle

Dean of Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM, Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Agus, DAA., DEA., signed an agreement on the development of Belgian Blue cattle with Director General of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Drh. I Ketut Diarmita, MP., on Monday (5/2). This cooperation was purposely built to create a massive development of Belgian Blue cattle, which is called as Gama Cattle, at Faculty of Animal Sciences UGM.

Ali Agus said self-dependency on beef becomes one of the contributors in self-dependency on animal protein. Beef provides a contribution of 20-22% from the total animal consumption. Beef becomes an irreplaceable demand not only related to the consumers’ preference but also the traditional and religious rituals. read more

Students of Unand Join Credit Earning Program At Faculty of Animal Science UGM

Nine students of Universitas Andalas (Unand) join credit earning program at Faculty of Animal Science during even semester academic year 2017/2018. They are the fifth student group of credit earning program collaboration between Faculty of Animal Science UGM and Unand.

It was said by Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Faculty of Animal Science UGM, Prof. Budi Guntoro, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM when welcomed the students on Wednesday (31/1) at Faculty of Animal Science. “Welcome to Faculty of Animal Science. You will be supervised by the head of the undergraduate study program. Please take the academic guidance book as your lectures guidance,” Budi said. read more